Why Joe Rogan is Moving to Spotify in September

Anthony Galli
2 min readMay 25, 2020

Since he hasn’t explicitly said why yet, we can only speculate.

But as a frequent listener of his thoughts and feelings, I’d say he’s moving for two big reasons…


According to reports, he’ll get over $100 million dollars. As an unrelated side-note I was wondering… could he have taken that $100 million and immediately bought $100 million worth of Spotify stock? Would that be legal? If so that would have been a genius financial move on his part because immediately upon his announcement their stock went up 15%.

“More money” may seem like an obvious motivator, but here’s something to consider: what matters more to Rogan… money or views? By moving, Rogan will get more money, but he is taking a big risk with his influence, in much the same way that Howard Stern gained money, but lost influence by moving to Sirius.

I think neither money nor influence are very important to Rogan at this point in his life because he already has so much of them, but for his personality I could see him more titillated by the prospect of more money than more views.


Joe Rogan’s move is one small step forward for free speech. Google and Facebook pretty much have monopoly control over our digital free

