How to Reduce Federal Spending w/ Debt Ceiling, Budgets, Continuing Resolutions, Amendments

Anthony Galli
4 min readJan 30, 2023

America spends roughly $30,000 per person per year, which is more than what virtually any other country on Earth spends.

This money is not only pulled out of production, but then it’s largely used to suppress it further via regulation and indoctrination.

We should obviously cut federal spending, but the question is… how can we be more successful in doing so?

Fundamentally it comes down to the big TOE: Two-parent households + Ownership + Education

If they were higher than we’d be a more fiscally conservative country again.

But as a matter of political strategy, Republicans shouldn’t support any bill that increases spending.

When we have the presidency, senate, and house we should cut spending, but if it’s a divided government then we should at worst compromise by holding-the-line on spending (ideally in real terms).



Anthony Galli
Anthony Galli

Written by Anthony Galli

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