Photo by Joe Piette | Photoshopped by Author

Defund Food Stamps

Minarchist Argument for Defunding SNAP

Anthony Galli
3 min readApr 22, 2021


BLM looks at the fact black communities have a disproportionate police presence to argue they’re over-policed.

I’d argue, however, that in communities where if you call 9–11 you can be put on “hold” for hours or where a disproportionate amount of the crime goes unsolved or where police are forced to work double or even triple shifts they’re actually under-policed.

But it’s interesting how BLM doesn’t apply their same line of logic to other areas where the black community gets a disproportionate amount of taxpayer funding. Defund food stamps?

But seriously, why don’t they? Both security and food are part of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs so I suppose if you can do with less of one you could do with less of the other? And obesity is particularly rampant in poor black neighborhoods, therefore, killing way more black Americans than police brutality.

There’s a minarchist argument one could make for defunding the police and food stamps by saying they mask deeper social problems and therefore so long as the bandaid stays on then perhaps the black community will never feel sufficiently forced to address their core problems.

In other words, if you’re going to learn how to swim you have to eventually take off the floaties. If we want…

